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Machine Learning can play a pivotal role in a range of applications such as Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, etc. Search for more papers by this … Sensors around the vehicle deliver thousands of data points which are analyzed and processed to move the vehicle toward its destination. Watson, the IBM computer that plays Jeopardy. Google uses TensorFlow for research and production purposes. In fact, Facebook has the largest face database in the world. One of the most common uses of machine learning is image recognition. Machine Learning and its most popular applications. It is surely known that machine learning is relevant to practically all tasks across numerous sectors and can accomplish effectiveness through smart and adaptive automation. It’s viewed as a very important piece of artificial intelligence.

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For digital images, the measurements describe the outputs of each pixel in the image. In data science, an algorithm is a sequence of statistical processing steps. Machine learning approach for power consumption model based on monsoon data for smart cities applications Machine Learning is used in many applications such as banking & financial sector, healthcare, retail, publishing & social media, robot locomotion, game playing, etc, It is used by Google and Facebook to push relevant advertisements based on users past search behavior, Source programs such as Rapidminer helps in increasing usability of algorithms for various applications. Develop new applications based on Machine Learning Apply machine learning techniques on real world problem or to develop AI based application Analyze and implement Regression techniques Linear Algebra basics A-Z of Python Programming and its application in Machine Learning Python programs, Matplotlib, NumPy, basic GUI application File system, Random module, Pandas Build Age … Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. Think AI meets dedicated math tutor meets personalized engagement.

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