Warhammer books timeline
Warhammer books timeline

warhammer books timeline

(-) Malakai, son of Makai, is born in Dwimmerdim Vale. Chaos Champion who summons The Terror, Bloodthirster of Khorne. During this time hold is under siege leaded by Skathloc Ironclaw.

warhammer books timeline

Later on young Borek and his brother Varig bring last message from Karag Dum to the south. (-) Many Dwarfs flee from the hold of Karag Dum (located in the Chaos Wastes) to the south. (-) Borek Forkbeard (or Scholar) is born in Karag Dum. Gurni Grimmson, Gotrek's father, is with the Empire forces. Manfred von Carstein, the last Vampire Count of Sylvania, is destroyed along with his Undead hordes. (-) The templar Order of the Fiery Heart gains the rune-sword Karaghul, which will become their legendary relic passed from templar to templar through centuries. So, these books may have little different information, what happens in The End Times timeline (like Archaon's attack to Middenheim, which doesn't happen in 2522). In 2014 Games Workshop published The End Times -campaign, which reboots Storm of Chaos events. Gotrek & Felix novels Orcslayer, Manslayer, Elfslayer, Shamanslayer and Zombieslayer are based on that event. Important note! In 2004 Games Workshop published Storm of Chaos -campaign. Another mistake or variation is in Children of the Horned Rat (WFRP2 sourcebook) where Skaven-invasion against Nuln is told to happen in 2514. Original novel timeline given in White Dwarf dates Trollslayer to end of 2400 and the Chaos-invasion against Praag 2500 or 2501. This timeline is my own invention and that why I call it "revised". In the Elfslayer his father, Gustav, says that his age is 42. Also idea of Ulrika's age is given in Manslayer. Some other dates (years) in the books are not that accurate either (like: "They were on their expedition some twenty-years ago.").Īdditional information Wikipedia: Gotrek & Felix.

warhammer books timeline

There he wonders how many years has he traveled and is he now actually 40 or 42. There is one mention about Felix age in the Orcslayer also. I found from various locations, that his birth-year might have been 2370, but few facts in Orcslayer make this one little difficult (check from the notes more). Also - There isn't really any ages given to the characters (or years they were born) so I made them myself. But there are couple of exceptions, like Gotrek. The idea is actually make MOST of the things right. So, here's that project. I started my own little "Timeline" fan-project to but these adventures in the current Timeline. Some of these mistakes are later corrected by Nathan Long in his books. But these changes were not done by The Black Library. Warhammer world and it's history have changed since the time the original author William King started with the Trollslayer (first book) stories. I think William King actually mentioned in some forum that he could do some changes to the books when they were published again (new versions). There is always the BUT - But, when does these adventures actually occur? Well, there are many mistakes in the books because changes done by the GW during the course of time. They have great background information and also good Warhammer "feeling" in them. Those who haven't read these books I recommend reading them very much. Adventures of slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his human companion Felix Jaeger (who just tries to survive with the slayer and record his mighty doom one day).

warhammer books timeline

I am, as probably many other Warhammer "people", a great fan of Slayer Saga.

Warhammer books timeline